Each inmate is allowed ONE clothing property transaction.
Within ONE clothing property transaction an inmate may receive:
- 1 long sleeve light grey sweatsuit
- 6 short sleeve white t-shirts
- 1 set of white or beige thermal underwear
- 6 pairs of underwear or boxers (no snaps) any color
- 6 pairs of socks any color
- 1 pair of flat slippers (enclosed foot) NO flip flops
- 2 bath towels any solid color (no white towels)
- 2 washcloths any color
- 1 pair of gym shorts any solid color
- 3 sports brassiers (females only)
- 1 bathrobe (females only)
- 1 set of foam style hair rollers (females only)
The following items will be routinely accepted:
- Religious items authorized by jail chaplain
- 1 set of trial clothes may be exchanged during the course of the inmate’s trial
Inmate property office WILL NOT accept:
- Clothing items with hoods, pockets, drawstrings, zippers, buttons, snaps, metal, logos or prints
- Items that are not one solid color
- Newspapers, magazines, and books of any kind
Inmate Property Office Hours:
- Tuesday through Saturday 8:00 AM – 3:45 PM
- Property WILL NOT be accepted on Sunday or Monday
Money Window Hours:
- Tuesday through Saturday 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM – 3:45 PM
- NO checks or money orders are accepted at the window
- Only exact amounts of cash are accepted